As one of the most important applications of Artificial Intelligence with a fast-growing economic impact, Language Technology (LT) is revolutionizing many language-related tasks. Although cross-language communication forms an important part of this development, LT resources are not equally available to all languages and domains. To make use of the full potential of Language Technology, a progress towards a multilingual, efficient, accurate, explainable, ethical, fair and unbiased language understanding is necessary – in short: Digital Language Equality (DLE).
For the past year, the European Language Equality (ELE) project has been working on this subject and is now hosting the workshop Towards Digital Language Equality (TDLE 2022) in parallel to the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC) from 20 to 25 June in Marseille, France. The workshop focusses on policies, initiatives, projects, studies and research on Digital Language Equality on all levels – regional, national and European – and explores the recent advances in Natural Language Understanding.
As part of the TDLE 2022 workshop, a Call for Papers invites researchers to submit their work. The topics of interest include a range of DLE-related areas such as use cases for LT-deployment, monitoring tools, policy analysis and the societal impact of Digital Language Equality. Papers can be submitted until 11 April 2022. The full description of the workshop, a list of topics of interest, important dates, the committee members and contact details can be found on our TDLE 2022 event page. We are looking forward to many helpful submissions on the path towards Digital Language Equality!